Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ryde Tannen Chavez!!

So Baby Dos's official name is Ryde Tannen Chavez. This battle is over, and I have lost which doesn't happen very often (Josh - 2 Val - 1,000) but after a month of debate, the name has grown on me and with Josh making such a stink about it I cant imagine his name being anything else anymore, which I'm sure was all part of his master plan! And it doesn't help that Luke can say it and it sounds so precious coming out of his mouth. Don't worry though, I plan on using this for a LONG time, "Remember when I let you name our son Ryde..." hahaha I think that line may come in handy a time or two or 50!! So I started pulling out all of Luke's old clothes that don't fit anymore and I'm not quite sure where its all going to go. These 2 minions may be getting their own rooms based solely on the fact that I cant fit all their clothes in 1 room! I of course bought Ryde some of his own things that way not everything of his is a hand me down. I am the oldest and Luke was a boy so there were no hand me downs when I was growing up but I'm sure its nice to have some things that are only yours, not that he will know any better till he's older and Luke starts rubbing it in his face,"that use to be mine" but its the excuse ill use to be able to buy him things because I love to shop!!


  1. Names names names...such decisions to make, but I like the idea of saying remember when I let you choose the name! Ryde is very cute! (I always find it funny to say cute when its a boy, but I like it...cute when he is little and tough when he is big!!) Its crazy how fast they grow and barely wear their clothes! Kinda nice you are getting a second use out of the clothes!!

  2. Its so nice Jess, There is a ton of things that Luke never wore because he was growing so fast so thankfully they will not be wasted :)
