Tuesday, July 26, 2011

T-Minus 1 week till I'm back to H E Double Hockey Sticks!

So some how i only have one more week of maternity leave! WTF! I can not believe that in less then a week I will be headed back to the worst place on earth besides the DMV :( Ugh and the crying about this has already started hahaha I don't remember it being so bad with Luke but I also didn't have to go back to work till Luke was almost 6 months old. I feel like Ryde is still so small and cant imagine spending more then 8 hours away from him. This time has just flown by just hanging with my minions everyday, and I'm pretty depressed that I cant stay home with them permanently. And the shittier part is (yeah I said shittier...its a word, google it) that my car took a dump so my plan to go in early and get off early went up in flames and now I'll have to hitch a ride with big Luke but will have to figure out how to get home every night as he comes home after work maybe once a week. So it looks like this lady will be learning to ride the bus, how depressing does that sound right!?! Boo cars and their crappy timing! So this girl has to get back to work so she can buy a new car! oh and feed her children haha The one up side to this is that my friend Alisha will be able to watch the boys at our house! This was such a blessing to find someone who i have known since we were kids and can trust with my lil men, so i got that going for me... which is nice :)

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