Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Tookies!

So we decided that we were going to let Luke try and help decorate Christmas cookies this year since he has a lil more hand, eye coordination compared to last year. I made some plain old sugar cookies and gave Luke his own lil bowls with his green and red frosting. He was prepared with his mini Gerber kids knife and ready to roll. G- ma and G-Pa came over in their Bronco and Nuggets Santa hats of course to help decorate also. At first Luke did try and use his lil butter knife but after about 3 attempts of spreading the frosting on his cookie he of course resorted to finger painting as most toddlers do. And then after a few attempts at finger painting his cookie he decided to bypass the whole cookie thing and put the frosting directly into his mouth. What can I say the kid is efficient! The green and red frosting soon turned into a gray mixture on his face and everywhere else but he didn’t seem too concerned. He “decorated” 2 cookies before we put a stop to the madness as he was going to have a seizure from the amount of sugar in his system. We washed his face and changed his close as it was time to drive around and look at Christmas lights. He really enjoyed this also, ohhing and ahhing at all of them it was quite precious if I do say so. So all in all it was a good old fashion family time and Im am thankful to have shared it with my favorite peeps and hopefully next year Big Luke will have moved back that punk!

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